She minces no words.

Dont Mince Words

As Seen In

Here are a few published clips:

Sleeping with snakes: Notes from the Los Angeles underbelly

published by Orange Recordings, December 2009
My short story, “Talking Dirty,” appears in this Bukowski/Fante-esque tribute collection available here, or on Amazon.

Untangled: Stories & Poetry from the Girls and Women of WriteGirl

published by WriteGirl Publications, October 2006
My short story, “Red Flags,” appear in the WriteGirl anthology.

Nothing held back: Truth and fiction from WriteGirl

published by WriteGirl Publications, October 2005
My short stories, “The Mother Handler,” “One Player,” and “One of the (Teen) Girls,” appear in this WriteGirl anthology.

Inside the Beltway, outside politics

INTHEFRAY.COM, November 2, 2004, Interact channel
With memories of the closest election in history still fresh on our minds, millions of typically apathetic voters hope to make a difference in this year’s election. The only problem is finding a candidate who will change our lives for the better.

SWF seeks tall SM — Oversensitive, sun-addled L.A. types need not reply

Los Angeles Times, July 16, 2004, Commentary, page B11
This is humorous, nonscientific study of Craig’s list dating in Los Angeles and New York. I placed the same personal ad in both markets and received the same number of responses; however, 20 percent of the LA responses were negative. Are Los Angeles men too sensitive?

Six Sigma: the steps to success in business

Santa Clarita Sun, Spring 2004
This is a general, dumbed-down explanation of the Six Sigma methodology.

Mothers make strides with unique exercise program

Santa Clarita Sun, Spring 2004
The business was very happy with this article and the new business it generated.

California in crisis

Santa Clarita Sun, Spring 2004
Hard news recap and impact.

0 to “As Seen In”

  1. Hi Marna,

    I ran across your blog while trying to track down contact information for you. I really like it – especially the “home for the holidays… wanna hook up?” story. Very funny and very universal. While I’m still trying to get a hold you concerning the fact that BUST is running a feature article on home audio equipment in which Sonos is given much praise (and we have adjacent ad space for – hint/wink), I really think you should talk to our editors about adding your voice to the pages of the mag. I hope you get a call from me through more traditional channels (meaning I’ve done some successful phone number sleuthing) but until then, please accept my compliments on your work and don’t hesitate to write me back should this message reach you before we meet on a more ‘business’ plain.


    Christian Detres
    BUST magazine

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  • About Marna

    Marna’s writing career started as a Pentagon intern. Early exposure to $500 toilet seat press releases made her appreciate creative nonfiction. Now she has more than 25 years of senior-level marketing and communications success working with Fortune 100 companies, government, nonprofits, small businesses, startups, and agencies.

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