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February 07, 2014 by
The scariest thing a woman has to do in a new town is find a hairdresser. It is even harder when you have wavy or curly hair. There’s an art to it. Thanks to Yelp, I found a hairdresser that could deal with me and impart wisdom at the same time.
Kate went to my college and left Richmond just like me. She ended up in Seattle, but eventually came back. She liked the health-conscious aspects of west coast living. What drove her away? No sarcasm.
“What is it with those people? They just can’t handle sarcasm.” she asked. I laughed and told her I had the same experience. My solution was to avoid the natives and befriend people from Texas and the east coast. I told her about my first Los Angeles boyfriend who asked me, politely, to stop using sarcasm because he couldn’t keep up and respond to me appropriately. “You dumped his ass, right?” Kate asked. Oh yes I did. From there on out, when online dating, I remembered to ask the important “where did you grow up” question.
So when people ask “you left California to come back here” I can honestly put the lack of sarcasm at the top of the reason list, just above cost of living. I’m home.
Tags: haircut, sarcasm, west coast
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January 02, 2014 by

Blurry, wagging tail.
There’s a strong possibility my shoulder will get dislocated soon. Dixie has discovered squirrels and I’m not sure a pinch collar will hold her back from the fierce chase she wants to have.
Dixie is a girlie girl dog. She was discovered on the mean streets of Long Beach, California during the housing crisis with pink nail polish on. More than likely, someone opened the door and let her go right before foreclosure. She was impounded, sterilized, and picked up by my rescue agency. You know the rest of the story.
When we lived in Santa Barbara, she saw a few ground squirrels on the cliffs at the beach, but they are like chipmunks on steriods. A month before we moved she saw her first squirrel. Every day we passed that tree she’d stop and look up. Up until this point, she liked her prey slow moving and her most notable captures were four possum and one skunk. At the end of the day, she was a lady of leisure and liked the sofa more than outdoors.
Now we live in a neighborhood where there squirrel-to-tree ratio is bananas. With the leaves off the trees, she sees everything. She groans and whines to see the critters. I now let her have one good run a day, if no one is around walking other dogs. She chases them to the tree then circles it until she figures out they are not coming down to play with her.
Many people have worried that this southern California dog would not adjust to the east coast weather. Neither freezing rain nor snow keeps her in the house. She has happily traded sunshine for squirrels.
Tags: american bulldog, squirrel
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December 29, 2013 by
If you had warned me a month after escaping California I’d be identifying my mother’s body in a funeral home, I would of laughed. Life and timing are funny things.
Decades after my birth my mother continued to try to direct my life long-distance with a cocktail in her hand. After I arrived in California, she had the time difference on her side when it came to drunk dialing. After one too many, I cut her off and told her never to call me again. I had no use for her nastiness. For the last nine years, I have lead a peaceful life and have inspired two other girlfriends to sever ties with their less-loving parents. We all have enjoyed the born-again sanity.
I hate who my mother became; however, I respect how her upbringing helped form who I am today. As the oldest of eight kids growing up on a farm in North Carolina, she didn’t have it easy during the Great Depression. While in high school, she was sent to live with her grandmother because she was malnourished. Upon graduating, she did what you’d expect her to do – she got the hell out. Crazy Barbara became a federal employee, fine-tuned her steno and typing skills, and eventually landed a secretarial job with the U.S. Air Attaché. Cold war Germany Mata Hari-style information gathering. She eventually returned to the DC area, got set up with my dad and got married.
For 13 years she had a good career for a farm girl with no college degree. While her friends were getting married and pregnant, she was out doing something different. She was not your typical 1950’s woman. In the early 1960’s, she settled down and married a man almost 10 years her senior. She stopped working, had two kids, and continued to be a card-carrying member of the cocktail generation. (Every time I hear the Rolling Stones’ Mother’s Little Helper I think of her in the1970’s.) I can’t help but think this inside-the-beltway suburban life bored her. When I would come home from school, she would be drinking and watching soap operas. This was the life she chose.
When I was 13, my parents signed off on my work permit and I got my first job. This kept me out of the house more and generated a stockpile of cash, in addition to my babysitting money. I eventually bought a serious stereo system for my bedroom so I could tune out my mother’s ranting. However, one day she shut up and listened. Bob Marley bridged our relationship. Then it was ABBA. My brother and I were driven to get out and go to college. We did. My mother remained a bored housewife who eventually had to take care of an aging, sick husband. Once free from those duties, she could of had a rebirth. Instead, she spend the remaining 18 years of her life drinking, with periodic trips to the post office and commissary.
Crazy Barbara did the best she could. And, hell, who would of thought she’d make it to 80? She’s my antiheroine. I have become a better person by knowing what not to do. But Barbara was known for her strong opinions and she did not hold back – and those skills were definitely passed on to me. I’m happy I got to see her before she went to a better place-I hope she finds happiness in the afterlife. The Peace in rest in peace means so much to me and my brother.
Tags: death, mother, Virginia