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Cool Aunt Marna Camp 2013 0

Posted on July 06, 2013 by Marna

When my nephew, Sam, was two he came to stay with me in Brooklyn for a week.  He liked going to happy hours and museums so much, he came back in 2002.  Unfortunately, his younger brother, Dave, never made it because I moved to California and the soul brothers moved to Denmark and then China.  This summer I went on location to New England to test they hypothesis that my camp is more fun than hookers and blow.

After I recovered from a red eye, we took the train to New York.  Did you know the presence of electric plugs to charge devices makes kids happy?  Me either, but if they can continue to get their game on, the when-will-we-be-theres stop.  We walked from Grand Central up to Central Park.  The first official stop was Dunkin’ Donuts so Dave could get his #4 and I could get coffee.  Then we had to stop at the Apple Store to touch stuff.  Because that’s what ‘tweens and teens want to do.  We took a quick handsome cab around Central Park before walking down to the diner around the corner from my old Hell’s Kitchen apartment.  We made the Wicked matinee where Sam stated, “wow, these are good seats.” and I replied “I’m no cheap, boring aunt.”  Of course, during intermission, the Twizzlers, M&Ms, and other treats made me realize this was not going to be a inexpensive adventure.  These kids eat like every 2.5 hours.  Jacked up on candy and more bacon cheeseburgers, the soul brothers were able to power through two Aunt Marna happy hours where I was able to enjoy my friends and my favorite food group – beer.  The next day, after more museums and bacon cheeseburgers and pizza, the boys realized there’s a lot to do in New York.  We trained back and they made their list for the next time.

I had a few recovery days which are now hazy.  I remember more ice cream.  More cheese burgers.  More pizza.  And boys in their rooms with the doors shut.  It’s hard to make them stop whatever they do in there, but I managed to get them to figure out what they wanted to do at the Boston Science Museum so we could get our geek on.

While technology has changed, what I discovered this summer is kids haven’t changed.  They’d be happy staying in their rooms playing Minecraft all day.  if it were me, and it was the 70’s, I’d rather be in my room reading Judy Blume and T.C. Andrews books.  So, I get it.  I think the boys had fun with Cool Aunt Marna.  And they did giggle when I nicknamed them “Little Bitches” because the whining and the “do we have to” and “I don’t know” just made me laugh at them more.

Am I more fun than hookers and blow?  My friends would say so, but the soul brothers would probably say I’m OK, but not as fun as computer games.  Next summer, guys. You wait.

  • About Marna

    Marna’s writing career started as a Pentagon intern. Early exposure to $500 toilet seat press releases made her appreciate creative nonfiction. Now she has more than 25 years of senior-level marketing and communications success working with Fortune 100 companies, government, nonprofits, small businesses, startups, and agencies.

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