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September 28, 2009 by
This is going to be my last unemployment summary because not much changes from week-to-week. I meet unemployed friends for drinks, I make calls, I send resumes, and I have interviews.
One thing that was reinforced this week was how much interviews are like dates. And selecting a job is like choosing a husband – you really don’t want a beater.
I had an interview with a Fortune 200 company. I had heard mixed reviews through the years from friends and acquaintances who have worked there. I accepted the interview out of curiosity. I had no idea it would be a source of material.
I realized was the last interview of the day. Not a good position to be in when you find out it was a sausage factory interview process. All my interviewers were tired. Two out of three had not seen my resume before I handed it to them.
The HR bitch set me up.
Interviewer #1 had been on staff for three weeks. He was from a similar background and took the job because he wanted a more stable environment and was tired of ad agencies. He warned me about long hours and a lack of process. He was still trying to figure out what the job was.
Interviewer #2 had a year on the first guy. He spoke of long hours and couldn’t really describe the job except that he needed a sales brochure developed.
Interviewer #3 was tired and frustrated because it appeared the HR bitch didn’t describe the position to any of the applicants. She went on to tell me there would be long hours, there were opportunities for process improvement, and there have been two people in this position in the last year. In addition, when I asked if if there was head count to bring a designer on staff, she said, “No, and it doesn’t matter. The economy is so bad that these contractors are thankful to be here.”
It took me a few years of online dating to figure out some of the code in people’s ads. Now I know when a decades-established company advertises for someone with a start-up background, that means the division is unorganized and probably in need of better operational management. In addition, when interviewers really can’t sell you on the company or the position, it probably isn’t going to be a good long-term relationship. I don’t really need that and a job with no career path. That recipe will never provide me with success and results.
I sent the HR bitch a thank you email and continued my search.
Tags: fortune 200HRinterviewjoblay offsausage factory
Dating, Layoff
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August 18, 2009 by
I know I’ve spent the past six years bemoaning the labor of dating in Los Angeles. I’ve felt like I’ve been one part relationship anthropologist, one part therapist, and an off-and-on investigative journalist. But I know my observations and experiences aren’t far-fetched because I run into men and women everywhere that have similar stories.
I recently connected with an acquaintance from home, also in her mid-40’s, who has lived out here four years. Over lunch we compared and contrasted our dating stories.
“What happened to the old ritual of courting?” she asked. “I feel like I have one or two dates with a guy, then everything after that is a hang-out. They don’t want to do stuff or bother to get to know me.”
I followed that with my thoughts that there are not a lot of masculine men in this town. That theory was confirmed early on by Dr. Pat Allen who said a town with creative men is a town filed with effeminate men who don’t play the male role. They want to be chased… like women. That doesn’t leave us a lot left to date.
My friend also made a comment about conversation. “I learned very quickly to dial it down. I think I offended people because I would not hesitate to offer my opinion.” That made me laugh hysterically because that was one of my first lessons in a corporate environment. “God help you if you have an opinion. You have to keep everything neutral so as to not shock sensitive people,” I added. But a lot of that has to do with the fact we grew up in D.C. Everyone is smart and reads and has opinions about everything. Out here, there are a lot of people who don’t have degrees, let alone advanced degrees. So, girls like us have to dumb it down.
I proceeded to tell her that I had hit the jackpot dating and I felt like all my bad date payforwards were redeemed.
“Get this – I’m dating a guy that has had the same job for 10 years, earned a MBA, owns two cars and some property, is NOT a California native, and is divorced with a wife and kid living across the country. He plans three or four dates a week, picks me up, and doesn’t hesitate to pay,” I told her with great sarcasm.
She was amazed. “So, you have real conversations and real dates.”
Dating is a numbers game, no matter where you live. You just need to know what you want and be patient until you find it. My new friend just left for an internship back in D.C. at the Library of Congress. She’s working on her second master’s degree. She says she’s happy not dating in Los Angeles. “As long as there is good weather, that’s my company.”
Tags: D.C.DatingLos Angelessensitive
Dating, Life
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July 10, 2009 by
I’ve revised the Kubler-Ross grief cycle to consider the emotional states of dating in Los Angeles.
Shock stage – initial paralysis after a few bad first dates and remembering someone telling you you’d have to “import” your men if you lived in Los Angeles.
Denial stage – continuing to date because you can’t believe it is really that bad out there.
Anger stage – frustrated and mad, you now date as if it is a revenge fuck. Each date gives you more writing material and you just get angrier.
Bargaining stage – seeking in vain for a way out of dating. You volunteer more and do anything for distraction.
Depression stage – dating in Los Angeles is not going to change.
Acceptance stage – moving forward by adopting a dog and revising your vibrator collection.
Last night I came to the realization that I may never get laid again. Tex and I watched “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” in bed. With each bark, he’d cock his head and stare at my 20-inch monitor while I giggled. I can’t remember the last time I laughed in bed. At this point, I’m not sure Tex would give up his spot on the queen-sized for a man. Well, maybe for a remastered version of Lady & The Tramp.
Tags: DatingdogsLos Angelesvibrators