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Archive for the ‘Dating’

Stand-by for sex 0

Posted on December 27, 2007 by Marna

Today’s doctor appointment revealed that I could/may be cleared for sex and yoga in nine days. I have no good reason for why I am recovering so quickly except attitude, diet, and sex on deck.

While Beans pre-alibied a December absence, he reappeared when I was in recovery. He’s been quite present ever since, helping me out and keeping me company while his dick has been put on ice. We both joke about meeting a great person then “this” happens, but it has given us the opportunity to get to know each other better. For me, it means I don’t have to shave my legs or douche. All I do is cook and he’s happy. Simple times.

I’ve scaled-up the teasing with sex count down reminders. But here’s the rub: he’s going to be in Texas filming for nearly a 1/2 month when I’m medically cleared.

Yoga here I come.

Shut up and call, douche 0

Posted on December 04, 2007 by Marna

Can you get out of future bad behavior by paying forward with an apology? Yes you can. It’s called a pre-alibi.

Beans called and recited a laundry list of business trips and other obligations he had during the month of December. He made it sound like he was being deployed and didn’t know when he’d be coming home. My only response was, “You know my number. Call me when you are available.”

He hasn’t called. But at least I know, he’s gonna be busy. Gonna be busy for a while.

Meeting men the old-fashioned way 0

Posted on November 02, 2007 by Marna

Why is it when I tell people I can be shy, they grab their stomach and double over laughing? Honestly, it took all I could to approach the Barney’s Beanery guy, give him my card, and ask him to call.

The man called. We agreed to go back to the scene of the crime and meet for a beer. I got there early on purpose because, yes, I was nervous and wanted to get a head start on the beer. I realized it had been ages since I’d gone into a date with little-to-no information. At least with set-ups, or online dating, you have some background information to go on.

We met and everything was fine. He’s a writer and filmmaker, so we had no shortage of conversation. We traded bad date stories, bitched about aspects of LA, and shared a lot of laughs. It was an incredibly normal and fun night. Technically, the evening was unblogable because he didn’t do anything ridiculous like some of the colossal tools I’ve been out with. He even asked if he could create his own blog pseudonym. How’s that for creative collaboration?!

I’m on deck for a second date, but even if that never happens and this ended up being a one off, I now know that I can conquer my own shyness and meet men the old-fashioned way, in bars.

  • About Marna

    Marna’s writing career started as a Pentagon intern. Early exposure to $500 toilet seat press releases made her appreciate creative nonfiction. Now she has more than 25 years of senior-level marketing and communications success working with Fortune 100 companies, government, nonprofits, small businesses, startups, and agencies.

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