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November 11, 2012 by

Friend Me
Dixie was getting her last walk of the night when I noticed a white car rolling by really slow. When it parked illegally, I paid more attention while Dixie watered a bush. A girl I didn’t recognized jumped out of the car and said, “Marna, is that Dixie?”
This woman was introduced to me online a year ago through a mutual friend who thought we should get together because our dogs look alike. I know that sounds like a crazy-dog-owner-qualifier, but American Bulldogs are sort of rare and their markings vary. We obviously never made time to meet, but were able to keep up with our dog-related facebook posts. This was my first encounter with a Facebook person I didn’t know before friending them.
If there was doggie TMZ, I think Dixie would be this week’s IT girl, but for now, she hopes you’ll thumbs up like her.
Tags: american bulldogfacebook
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March 01, 2009 by
As the grumpy old lady of the internet, I have said I don’t have time for anything unless it is going to get me a job or get me laid. While Facebook has not yielded those results for me yet, it has lived up to the “social” part of marketing.
When I posted my status was “back to being single,” I had cocktail offers within minutes. Girlfriends wanted to console me, which I realized was just a really good excuse to drink.
“I made the decision to breakup with GC. Really, I’m fine,” I explained.
The next day, I had three different girlfriend dates and one offered setting me up with a new guy. I don’t know what to make of Facebook except it is another great communications channel I’ve loaded with very good friends.
The speed with which people reach out is equal to my relationship recovery time. What took me weeks and months to say before now took me days.
Tags: facebookfriends
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November 23, 2008 by
I joined Myspace years ago as another possible dating channel. After several attractive offers from Nigerian contractors, I set my profile on private and rarely went to
In June, the kids in the office convinced me to join Facebook. “The only social marketing I do is the kind that will get me laid,” I told them. They said it might be possible if I had the right kind of friends.
So, 200 friends later, Facebook hasn’t proven to be a good pimp. Ironically, I met my boyfriend through a friend. You know, the old school type of friend that you actually know well enough to email and phone directly.
Tags: facebookmyspacesocial networking
Life, Work